
Saturday, September 17, 2011

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

I am so out of touch with the movie world that I had no clue there was even another Planet of the Apes movie out. I found it on an online movie viewing site a few weeks ago and haven't really felt like watching it. Well, last night I finally decided to see it. It was awesome. I was thinking it would be like the last PoA movie with Marky Mark in it. It was like Curious George, only if he was opressed and angry. I don't want to give anything away. But I will say that the scene where Ceasar and that little twit who played Draco Malfoy fight in the monkey room was one of my favorite parts. "One" of them. There were a lot. This is one of the few new movies that I actually loved. So it will definetly be added to my dvd collection when it comes out.

If you want to see this movie too, here is the link:

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