
Monday, September 26, 2011

Talking Animals and Willy Wonka

Funny video of the week: Jupiter the talking cat from the channel Talking Animals on Youtube.

Funny picture of the week:

Saturday, September 17, 2011

Rise of the Planet of the Apes

I am so out of touch with the movie world that I had no clue there was even another Planet of the Apes movie out. I found it on an online movie viewing site a few weeks ago and haven't really felt like watching it. Well, last night I finally decided to see it. It was awesome. I was thinking it would be like the last PoA movie with Marky Mark in it. It was like Curious George, only if he was opressed and angry. I don't want to give anything away. But I will say that the scene where Ceasar and that little twit who played Draco Malfoy fight in the monkey room was one of my favorite parts. "One" of them. There were a lot. This is one of the few new movies that I actually loved. So it will definetly be added to my dvd collection when it comes out.

If you want to see this movie too, here is the link:

Days 3,4, and 5 of the book challenge.

I haven't gotten around to writing the past few days. I could tell you why but it's top secret. So, here we go, I'm lumping the past 3 tasks into one post.

Day 3: Today throw something away that you like
 I wasn't looking forward to this one. But then I got an idea. I just took one of my fave pens that had run out of ink and threw it away. So simple.

Day 4: World Coloring-In Day
Today I have a black and white world map that I am supposed to color in.
Fill in Country By:
Green - Been there done that.
Blue - Intend to go there this year
Yellow - Intend to go there sometime before I die
Red - Happy never to set foot there in my life
I actually had fun with this one, sitting at the desk with my colored pencils like a little kid. :)
I'll upload a pic later

Day 5: Mass Social Experiment
I was supposed to cut out and stick an "Out of Order" sign on any item of public infrastructure I encounter today. Well, there is two problems with that. 1) I'm not going anywhere. 2) I don't really want to cut my book up. So I might do this one later when I can just make copies of the page.

So far the book is okay. But I am hoping the tasks start picking up soon, a lot of them are just boring.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Eragon now with voice overs and Day 2 of my life change

My fiance was looking for movies to watch tonight and came across Eragon. We'd seen it before but this time there were voice overs. Two men and sometimes a woman. They sound so much like the guys from Mystery Science Theater 3000, which was one of my favorite shows until it was taken off. :(

Here is the link:

Also it is Day 2 in my This Book Will Change Your Life dilly.

Day 2: The Love of Your Life
In short, I am supposed to stare at everyone I see today and wonder if they are my one true love. A love that I may be passing up. Luckily I was only around my fiance today, which probably kept me from getting a serious talking to about looking at other people dreamingly.
Here is what I wrote in the book: "Starred at my fiance, James, while he was sleeping. There's a chance he might be the one for me."

It also happens to be his 26th Birthday. So Happy Birthday old man. Finally tomorrow your "birthday badge" can be stripped off until next year.